Why You Need a Lawyer

Caruso-Law_Icon-41Hire a Lawyer – It’s the Smart Choice

Why Choose a Lawyer?

Cross-border matters, whether securing immigration status for work or family; permanent or temporary; business commencement, holistic or acquisition; and/or overcoming inadmissibility are too important and too costly not be done right.Naturally, you may choose to:

  • hire a Law Firm;
  • hire a consultant/notario;
  • have a friend or family member help you; or
  • do it yourself.

Timing is Everything

First and foremost, we offer Border Representation – on both sides of the 49th parallel. For US border representation, you must be a State-licensed lawyer: For Canadian border representation, you must be a Provincially licensed lawyer (or licensed Immigration Consultant). With law licenses in both Ontario and Michigan, Clients may be served on either side of the Border and THAT SAME DAY! If your application can be processed at the Border, we will absolutely do so. WORK PERMITS/VISAS (Canadian or U.S.) occur that same day. Once we obtain the PERMIT/VISA, you may enter the country and work. Let the others wait.

Measure Twice – Cut Once

Carpenters have lived by this axiom as long as they have existed. Do it right the first time. Mistakes are costly. Hiring a professional provides you with not only the best strategy but also peace of mind.

Understanding a client’s needs, developing a strategy and executing the plan involves more than just filing out some forms. Indeed, writing a prescription takes only seconds, but knowing what medication to prescribe is everything. Together with the client, we listen to understand what goals are sought to be achieved. We understand evidence supports various cross-border strategies consistent with the requirements of the respective Immigration sectors of both the Governments of Canada and the United States, respectively. We bring personal attention to our practice and do not operate an mill.

But do I truly need Representation? I know people that did it on their own.

And we know many more people that also saved money (at first), completed forms on their own, submitted documents on their own, and ultimately were denied and barred from entering the foreign country – all on their own.

As lawyers practicing law in a specialized legal arena, we hear many horror stories of smart, able and well-intentioned people who for many reasons, and sometimes no good reason at all, were denied entry into the United States or Canada. Some later become clients while others cannot as the mistakes cannot be undone. It is always smarter to do it right the first time. Think of the following scenarios:

  • Let’s say we were sick. We could self-medicate rather than seeing a doctor. If the risk of self-doctoring was minimal, we might choose to forgo the expense of a seeing a doctor. But we know that mistakes could be deadly, and if we can’t understand that, well…
  • Let’s say we buy a house. We generally insure it. We want to make sure that should something happen to our home, we will have the money to fix or replace it. We look for security and are willing to pay for that peace of mind. And if we have a mortgage, the Mortgage Company absolutely requires that we insure it. In fact, they also want to make sure that you own what you are buying and that they have their mortgage registered on title. They require that you hire the services of a Real Estate lawyer. They want to be sure that they have loaned money on property that you actually own. Insuring the home is only good if you own it.

Cross-border business, law and immigration requires a knowledge that many lawyers, let alone legal consultants, notaries or well-meaning friends and family do not possess. As our Borders continue to become more secure, cross-border mistakes mayforever preclude one from entering that foreign country. If your business depends on it, if your the transfer of your employees is critical to your business, if your family reunification depends on it, do you really want to forgo the service of a cross-border lawyer.

Before you hire a professional, are you certain they are licensed to practice law. CARUSO LAW is able to represent you before Citizenship and Immigration Canada or the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. You are welcome to contact the Law Society of Upper Canada (Ontario) and/or the Michigan State Bar, which are the respective governing bodies for lawyers/attorneys in the respective jurisdiction.