Business Visitor-Canada

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Business Visitor – Canada (Applicant) Data Entry

• Click SAVE AND RESUME LATER at the bottom of the form AND Cut and Paste the LINK to complete later.
• Without this link, you will need to reenter all data.
• Please also note that files attached will only be transferred when the form is submitted.

Please do not use ALL CAPS.

The following form is for a Business Visit to Canada application.


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This is information about the person wishing to visit Canada.
Please type your Last Name (and do not all caps in your entries/responses throughout the form.
as they appear in your Passport

Permanent Foreign Home Address

Address where Applicant has their permanent residence.
Please input as follows:

# and Street Name
City Name, State, Zipcode

III. PASSPORT Information for Applicant (Business Visitor)

IV. Position and Education

What is your title / role / position with your Company
Please list any education licenses post secondary school. This may include University Degrees, College Diplomas, Professional Licensing and Continuing Education Certificates.

While education evidence may not be required, it is always beneficial to present evidence of such. Please type your input as shown in the examples below:

B.Sc. Mechanical Engineer
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor MI (2001-2004)

Mechatronics Diploma
Oakland Community College
Rochester MI (2001 – 2003)

Please type your input as shown in the examples below:

One (1) Year
Five (5) Years
Ten (10) Years

Why you believe you have the specialized knowledge, skill, education, or “know-how” needed for the business visit.

In your own words – A short sentence or two – describing why you are needed and were selected to go to Canada.

V. Business Visit Information

Click YES to answer questions re V. Business Visit Information
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VI. Foreign Co. Representative Information

Click YES to answer questions re VI. Foreign Co. Representative Information
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VII. Foreign Company Information

Click YES to answer questions re VII. Foreign Company Information
Click NO to again hide its content

VIII. Canada Co. Representative Information

Click YES to answer questions re VIII. Canada Co. Representative Information
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IX. Canada Company Information:

Click YES to answer questions re IX. Canada Company Information
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Should any answers in the 3 questions below require explanation, please type it in the section below “Message, Comment or Discussion…”.
Confirmation that Applicant has never been arrested anywhere in the world for any matter
Confirmation that Applicant has have not been denied entry into the Canada for any reason
Confirmation that Applicant has not been denied any work authorization status by Canada


Please label your files as follows:
File Name (Your LastName) YYYY-MM-DD
Resume (Smith)2022-01-12

Once you have gathered and labeled your electronic files appropriately, please upload them as instructed below. Electronic data files may also be provided to your Company Representative, so that they may be forwarded on.

The following documents are required:

Label – Description
  • PP – Passport (current) – Photo ID page only
  • Nexus – Nexus Card if you have one
  • DL – Driver’s License Photo ID (front) only
  • Resume – Resume in “.doc,” “rtf,” or “pdf” format

  • Educational Accomplishments (if applicable):
  • Degree 01 – Latest Degree earned through university studyand/or
  • Degree 02 – Second to last Degree earned, etc. and/or
  • Diploma 01 – Latest Diploma earned through college studyand/or
  • Diploma 02 – Second to last Diploma earned, etc. and/or

  • Foreign and Canada Documents Required (as applicable):
  • Contracts, Purchase Orders, Change Orders
  • Warranty Provision
  • Meeting Schedule(s)
  • Hotel Motel Booking(s)

  • Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 15 files.
    Clear Signature
    Your signature above authorizes CARUSO LAW PLLC to continue processing your application consistent with the information/evidence submitted with this form.