I-130 Petition for Alien Relative

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Petition for Alien Relative I-130 Data Entry


Please do not use ALL CAPS. Rather, use ordinary rules of capitalization.

What Is the Purpose of Form I-130?

A citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States may file Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to establish the existence of a relationship to certain alien relatives who wish to immigrate to the United States.

Copies – copies are allowed for the digital application submission. Originals are required at the time of the in-person interview. Also, USCIS may request an original document at the time of filing or at any time during processing of an application, petition, or request. I

Translations – Documents in foreign language should be accompanied by an English translation, and the translator must sign a certification that the English language translation is complete and accurate, and that he or she is competent to translate from the foreign language into English. The certification should also include the date, the translator’s signature and printed name, and may contain the translator’s contact information.

Part 1. Relationship (You are the Petitioner. Your Relative is the Beneficiary)

1. I am filing this petition for my (Select only one box):
2. If you are filing this petition for your child or parent, select the box that describes your relationship (Select only one box):
3. If the beneficiary is your brother/sister, are you related by adoption?
4. Did you gain lawful permanent resident status or citizenship through adoption?

Part 2. Information About You (Petitioner)

Your Full Name – as it appears in your Passport
Other Names Used (if any)
Provide all other names you have ever used, including aliases, maiden name, and nicknames.
Other Information
9. Sex
Mailing Address
(USPS ZIP Code Lookup)
10.g. Province
11. Is your current mailing address the same as your physical address?


This refers to the Canadian Company for whom you are traveling abroad to work for – the reason for this application. This is not the Company for whom you are currently providing services. This section may be completed this in a “limited” or “as much as you know” manner.


This is information about the person wishing to work abroad.
SSN – Social Security Number or
SIN – Social Insurance Number
(only if Applicant obtained a SSN or SIN for having previously worked abroad)
Applicant’s Canada Client ID # will have been generated if Applicant has had a previous Work Permit, Denial of Entry, Allowed to Leave or Business/Pleasure Visitor Record).
Canada Client ID will be located on any/each of these forms.

Temporary Address while in Canada

Address where Applicant will first be in Canada after the Work Permit.
Address of Applicant where they will be initially and temporarily staying in Canada

This may be the Hotel address.

Permanent Mexican Home Address

Address where Applicant has a permanent residence.
Please input your most recent:
• Work Permit # (if you worked in Canada).
You may find this number at the top right of the Work Permit document.
Please remember to upload this document).

IV. PASSPORT Information for Beneficiary / Applicant

V. EDUCATION/LICENSING Information regarding Beneficiary / Applicant

Please list any education licenses post secondary school. This may include University Degrees, College Diplomas, Professional Licensing and Continuing Education Certificates.

While education evidence may not be required, it is always beneficial to present evidence of such.
Please list and/or describe the education.

Please note: Where education is a requirement of the Canada Work Permit application, evidence must be presented (originals are the best evidence).

B.Sc. Engineering
University of Detroit Mercy
Detroit Michigan (2004-2007)


• If you are a Manager, Executive or Specialized Knowledge Worker, please select the first category.
• Data entry for the intra-company transfer employee’s title may be imputed later in this form

Professional category applicants should select from the drop down list.
You many select from dropdown menu list to find the NOC code that best fits your employment.

CARUSO LAW will verify or select from this list to ensure accuracy and relevance.
Intended Start Date for your to work in Canada
Intended End Date for your to work in Canada

This should be consistent with 1, 2, or 3 years selected as the Period Requested for work.

Please also note that a Canada Work Permit may only be granted to the expiry of your Passport
CARUSO LAW will select from this list to ensure accuracy and relevance.

VII. EMPLOYMENT Information regarding U.S. (foreign) WORK

Select YES if FOREIGN COMPANY Information requires completion.

VIII. WAGE Information

Rate of Pay
Input required ONLY If Applicant’s wages are not typical/customary (e.g. uncommonly low owing to the fact that Applicant has very little experience). Leave blank otherwise.


Confirmation that YOU have never been arrested anywhere in the world for any matter
Confirmation that YOU have not been denied entry into the Canada for any reason
Confirmation that YOU have not been denied any work authorization status by Canada
Confirmation that YOU have been completely vaccinated and two (2) weeks have elapsed since your second vaccination.

Your Vaccination Card/document must be uploaded to ArriveCAN and a copy is required to be sent to CARUSO LAW, which will be included as evidence with the Work Permit application.


Please label your files as follows:
File Name (Your LastName) YYYY-MM-DD
Resume (Smith)2022-01-12

Once you have gathered and labeled your electronic files appropriately, please upload them as instructed below. Electronic data files may also be provided to your Company Representative, so that they may be forwarded on.

The following documents are required:

Label – Description
  • PP – Passport (current) – Photo ID page only
  • Work Permit – Work Permit for your previous Canadian work Permit
  • Nexus – Nexus Card if you have one
  • DL – Driver’s License Photo ID (front) only
  • Resume – Resume in “.doc,” “rtf,” or “pdf” format

  • For Professional Category – Documents Required:
  • Degree 01 – Latest Degree earned through university studyand/or
  • Degree 02 – Second to last Degree earned, etc. and/or
  • Diploma 01 – Latest Diploma earned through college studyand/or
  • Diploma 02 – Second to last Diploma earned, etc. and/or
  • Transcripts 01 – Latest Transcripts for Degree/Diploma 01and/or
  • Transcripts 02 – Transcripts for Degree/Diploma 02, etc.and/or
  • Certified Translation 01 – Certified Translation for Degree/Diploma 01, etc.and/or

  • Intra-Company Transfer – Documents Required:
  • W-2 (Last year)
  • W-2 (2nd to Last year)
  • Wages (last 3 periods)

  • Certified Translation in ENGLISH
    is required for Education and LIcentura documents. Transcripts do not require translation
  • Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 15 files.
    Clear Signature
    Your signature above authorizes CARUSO LAW PLLC to continue processing your application consistent with the information/evidence submitted with this form.