TN Professional

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TN Professional Employee (Applicant) Data Entry

The following form is for a TN (Treaty National) professional applicant who has completed (and has proof of) a post-secondary education program at college or university.

Please CLICK HERE if you wish to proceed with an intra-company transfer application (for those employees that have worked for 1 year out of the last 3 years for the foreign company and wish to be transferred to the company abroad (full time, part-time, intermittently).


Mobile Number of Applicant
format 313-432-9876
  • TN- 1: Canadian National seeking a U.S. work authorization
  • TN-2: Mexican National seeking U.S. work authorization
  • Select your Professional Category.


    This refers to the Company for whom you are traveling abroad to work for – the reason for this application. This is not the Company for whom you are currently providing services. This section may be completed this in a “limited” or “as much as you know” manner.
    e.g. design and build complex commercial construction
    The name of the Person that will be signing the forms/letters on behalf of the company abroad for your work authorization/permit.
    This may be the same person to whom you report at the Foreign Company
    e.g. President, V.P., H.R. Manager…


    This is information about the person wishing to work abroad.
    SSN – Social Security Number or
    SIN – Social Insurance Number
    (only if Applicant obtained a SSN or SIN for having previously worked abroad)

    Temporary U.S. Address

    Address of Applicant IF the Applicant has secured temporary living accommodations in the U.S.
    You may wish to put the if plan to live at your permanent home address and commute as necessary to work in the U.S.

    Permanent Home Address

    Address where Applicant has a permanent residence.
    Please input your most recent:
  • I-94 # if you worked in the United States (found on the index-like card attached to your Passport or available from CBP)

    Click Here for access to your I-94 data
  • Passport Information for Beneficiary / Applicant

    Your Position may include a speciality, for example:

    Management Consultant – Marketing & Business Development
    (input the specialty only)

    Please list and/or describe your educational accomplishments.

    Please note: Where education is a requirement of the Canada Work Permit application, evidence must be presented (originals are the best evidence).

    B.Sc. Engineering
    University of Detroit Mercy
    Detroit Michigan (2004-2007)
    Intended Start Date for your to work in country abroad
    Intended End Date for your to work in country abroad (if you selected 3 years in section I, please ensure the end date is 3 years after the start date (for U.S. applications, it must be 1 day less; e.g.

    2022-01-12 = start date
    2022-01-11 = end date for U.S. applications

    If Applicant has worked for the Foreign Company in Canada or U.S. before applying for work status in the other country.
    If Applicant’s work for the Foreign Company in Canada or U.S. ended – if not, leave this field blank.
    Input required ONLY If Applicant worked for the Foreign Company and there was a time period from the START date to now where that work was interrupted.
    Leave blank otherwise.

    Wage Information

    Rate of Pay
    Input required ONLY If Applicant’s wages are not typical/customary (e.g. uncommonly low owing to the fact that Applicant has very little experience). Leave blank otherwise.


    This section refers to the Company for whom the Applicant is presently working for. This is not the Company that is sponsoring the current TN application (referred to as the Company Abroad).
    Will Applicant be PRIMARILY performing services at a Customer / Client Site Location?
    Select YES if the Applicant will be primarily located at a customer location..
    Also select YES if there the Company Abroad (sponsoring the application) has no physical office.

    V. Admissibility

    Please answer the following 3 questions, as they are critical to ensuring that the Applicant does not have admissibility issues, which may present challenges to the application.

    Confirmation that YOU have never been arrested anywhere in the world for any matter
    Confirmation that YOU have not been denied entry into the Foreign Country for any reason
    Confirmation that YOU have not been denied any work authorization status by the Foreign Country
    Confirmation that YOU have received two Covid-19 Vaccinations at least 2 weeks prior to seeking entry into the Foreign country.

    VI. Message, Comment or Discussion


    Please label your files as follows:

    File Name (Your LastName) YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: Resume (Smith)2022-01-12

    Once you have gathered and labeled your electronic files appropriately, please upload them as instructed below.


    PP  – Passport (current) – Photo ID page only
    I-94 – I-94 card located in your U.S. passport (if applicable)
    Work Permit – Work Permit for your previous Canadian work Permit (if applicable)
    Nexus – Nexus Card (if applicable)
    GE – Global Entry (if applicable)
    DL – Driver’s License Photo ID (front) only
    Resume – Resume in “.doc,” “rtf,” or “pdf” format
    Degree 01 – Latest Degree earned through university stud
    Degree 02 – Second to last Degree earned, etc.
    Transcripts 01 – Latest Transcripts for Degree/Diploma 01
    Transcripts 02 – Transcripts for Degree/Diploma 02, etc

    Covid Related Documents:
  • Vaccination – Vaccination Card for both Canada and U.S. applications

  • Canada is no longer restricting entry based upon testing or enrollment / submission of data via their ArriveCAN app.

  • FOR United States
  • U.S. applications do not require a Negative PCR test as part of their application.

  • Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 15 files.
    Clear Signature
    Your signature above authorizes CARUSO LAW PLLC to continue processing your application consistent with the information/evidence submitted with this form.