USMCA – L-1 Data Entry Form

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USMCA Work Authorization Employee (Applicant) Data Entry


Please do not use ALL CAPS.

The following form is for a U.S. Work Authorization for intra-company transfer and/or professional applicants.

• Intra-company requires an Applicant to have has been employed with the foreign company for one continuous year out of the last three years in a specialized knowledge, managerial and/or executive capacity and wishes to work (be transferred on a full time, part-time, or intermittent basis) to the affiliated company abroad (U.S. Company)

  • Manager: If you manage supervisory personnel (not first line workers) and/or professional (with degree/diploma) personnel
  • Essential Functional Manager: If you manage, (without direct reports) a department/function that critical to the operations of the foreign company)
  • Executive: perform duties consistent with very high level organizational oversight (e.g. CEO, President, Board Member)
  • Specialized Knowledge Worker:

    Specialized knowledge means special knowledge possessed by an individual of the petitioning organization’s product, service, research, equipment, techniques, management, or other interests and its application in international markets, or an advanced level of knowledge or expertise in the organization’s processes and procedures.
    “An alien would possess specialized knowledge if it was shown that the knowledge is different from that generally found in the particular industry. The knowledge need not be proprietary or unique, but it must be different or uncommon.

    • Professional requires an Applicant to have degree or professional license in 1 of 68 professional categories, except for Scientific Techs, Computer Systems Analysts and Management Consultants. Professional work authorization applications require sponsorship by the Company Abroad (U.S. Company) through direct employment, pre-arranged employment or by service agreement

    Please CLICK HERE if you wish to proceed with a U.S. TN professional application (for those applicants that have a completed a post secondary education consistent with one of the 68 TN (Treaty National) professional categories as set for in USMCA/CUSMA..


    Please type your Last Name (and do not all caps in your entries/responses throughout the form.
    Please note the following:

    • Initial L-1 Intra-Company Transfers may be granted for one (1) year

    • Renewal/Extension Intra-Company Transfers may be granted up to three (3) for a maximum of seven (7) years for Managers/Executives and five (5) years for specialized knowledge workers

    • Professionals (except Management Consultants) may be granted up to three (3) years (without limit)

    • Management Consultants may be granted Work Authorizations consistent with their agreement up to a maximum of three (3) years per application (without limit). Multiple Work Authorizations for various clients may also be applied for and granted.


    This refers to the U.S. Company for whom you are traveling abroad to work for – the reason for this application. This is not the Company for whom you are currently providing services. This section may be completed this in a “limited” or “as much as you know” manner.
    This is the EIN (Employer Identification Number) assigned to the U.S. Company when it was formed
    e.g. design and build complex commercial construction
    e.g. design and build complex commercial construction
    Date the U.S. company was formed? MM-DD-YYYY
    this should be a numeric – 20, 50, 1,000
    this should be in USD for an entire year
    This is the name of the Person that will be signing the forms/letters on behalf of the Foreign Company for your work authorization/permit
    e.g. President, V.P., H.R. Manager…
    Please write the address of the U.S. Company, where you will report.

    Format 123 Main St., Suite 101
    New York, NY 01125


    This is information about the person wishing to work abroad.
    SSN – Social Security Number or
    SIN – Social Insurance Number
    (only if Applicant obtained a SSN or SIN for having previously worked abroad)
    Applicant’s Canada Client ID # will have been generated if Applicant has had a previous Work Permit, Denial of Entry, Allowed to Leave or Business Visitor Record). Client ID will be located on any/each of these forms.

    Temporary Address Abroad (in the U.S.)

    Address of Applicant IF the Applicant has secured temporary living accommodations for work abroad.

    This may be the Hotel address.

    You may wish to put the “intermittent commuter” if plan to live at your permanent home address and commute as necessary to work abroad.
    Please input as follows:

    Hotel Name (if appropriate)
    # Street Name

    e.g. Hilton Hotel and Suites 34 Suffex Place

    Permanent Canada Home Address

    Address where Applicant has a permanent residence.
    Please input your most recent:

    Work Authorization I-94 # if you worked in the U.S. or the # written above the Passport stamped page indicating you have a L-1 work authorization.

    IV. PASSPORT Information for Beneficiary / Applicant

    V. EDUCATION/LICENSING Information regarding Beneficiary / Applicant

    Please list any education licenses post secondary school. This may include University Degrees, College Diplomas, Professional Licensing and Continuing Education Certificates.

    While education evidence may not be required, it is always beneficial to present evidence of such.
    Please list and/or describe the education.

    Please note: Where education is a requirement of the Canada Work Permit application, evidence must be presented (originals are the best evidence).

    B.Sc. Engineering
    University of Detroit Mercy
    Detroit Michigan (2004-2007)


    • If you are a Manager, Executive or Specialized Knowledge Worker, please select the first category.
    • Data entry for the intra-company transfer employee’s title may be imputed later in this form

    Professional category applicants should select from the drop down list.
    Please type in your title as it will be for your U.S. work authorization
    President, V.P., General Manager, Director of Marketing and Sales, etc.
    When do you wish/intend/desire to commence work in the U.S.
    Intended End Date for your to work in the U.S.

    This should be consistent with 1, 2, or 3 years selected as the Period Requested for work towards the beginning of this data entry form

    Please also note that a U.S. Work Authorization may only be granted to the expiry of either:
    • Passport
    • Nexus Card
    • Enhanced Driver’s License

    VII. EMPLOYMENT Information regarding your Canadian (foreign) WORK EXPERIENCE/TENURE

    the very first day Applicant first starting working for the Canadian (Foreign) Company.
    confirmation that the Applicant is continuing to be employed and is working for the Canadian (foreign) Company
    confirmation that there was no interruption in work (stoppages) for the Applicant working for the Canadian (foreign) Company during the period described above
    Please describe any dates that disrupted your work from the U.S. First Work Start Date (above) to today’s date – IF ANY.

    work interruption between
    01/15/2010 to 02/09/2015

    VIII. WAGE Information

    Rate of Pay
    select the period describing the frequency of the Pay Rate
    do not edit
    Please describe in point form some key distinct job duties and responsibilities CARUSO LAW with the Company Representative will ensure that the duties and responsibilities are properly set out

    • manager of demolition, rumination, hazardous waste
    • manage and direct 1-3managers/superintendents/supervisors and 30-50 skilled and trade personnel directly employed with our Company
    • manage and direct manage and direct 3-4 managers/superintendents/supervisors and 40-70 skilled and trade personnel through our subcontracted work

    Information regarding your Canadian (foreign) WORK EXPERIENCE/TENURE

    Please use the following format when entering information: eg.
    789 Bloor St.
    Toronto ON M6G 1L8


    Confirmation that YOU have never been arrested anywhere in the world for any matter
    Confirmation that YOU have not been denied entry into the U.S. for any reason
    Confirmation that YOU have not been denied any work authorization status by the U.S.
    Confirmation that YOU have been completely vaccinated and two (2) weeks have elapsed since your second vaccination.

    Your Vaccination Card/document must be uploaded to ArriveCAN and a copy is required to be sent to CARUSO LAW, which will be included as evidence with the Work Permit application.


    Please label your files as follows:
    File Name (Your LastName) YYYY-MM-DD
    Resume (Smith)2022-01-12

    Once you have gathered and labeled your electronic files appropriately, please upload them as instructed below. Electronic data files may also be provided to your Company Representative, so that they may be forwarded on.

    The following documents are required:

    Label – Description
  • PP – Passport (current) – Photo ID page only
  • Nexus – Nexus Card if you have one
  • DL – Driver’s License Photo ID (front) only
  • Resume – Resume in “.doc,” “rtf,” or “pdf” format

  • Education Documents re:
  • Degree 01 – Latest Degree earned through university studyand/or
  • Degree 02 – Second to last Degree earned, etc. and/or
  • Diploma 01 – Latest Diploma earned through college studyand/or
  • Diploma 02 – Second to last Diploma earned, etc. and/or
  • Transcripts 01 – Latest Transcripts for Degree/Diploma 01and/or
  • Transcripts 02 – Transcripts for Degree/Diploma 02, etc.and/or

  • NEW – Intra-Company Transfer – Documents Required:
  • T-4 or T-1 (Last year)
  • T-4 or T-1 (2nd to Last year)
  • Wages (last 3 periods)

    If you are a manager/director
  • U.S. Co Org Chart
  • Foreign Co. Org Chart

    Renewal/Extension Applications (in addition to NEW above:
  • I-797 (LastName) YYYY-MM-DD – Form I-797 received from USCIS approving your PRIOR L application(s)
  • I-94 Card (Last year)
  • L-1 stamped passport page
  • T-4 and/or W-2 (Last year)
  • T-4 and/or W-2(2nd to Last year)
  • Wages (last 3 periods)

  • Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 15 files.
    Clear Signature
    Your signature above authorizes CARUSO LAW PLLC to continue processing your application consistent with the information/evidence submitted with this form.